The Year 9 / 10 Wednesday Sport Program will recommence on the 3rd February (Yr 10) and on the 10th February (Yr 9). All students received their sports in Term 4 2020, along with an information letter for parents.
Students will be given a permission letter to take home with their sports included on Friday 29th January. Parents of students that are participating in Learn to Surf and Water Polo / Swimming will need to give permission and information regarding their son’s swimming ability via Edumate before participating. Parents of students participating in Rock Climbing & CrossFit will receive a waiver note that will need to be signed prior to participation.
Students participating in Learn to Surf & Golf will be dismissed from the venue at 1:45pm, and are to make their own transportation home. All other sports will be transported back to the College for normal buses home.
All students in Year 9 & 10 are to wear their College Sport uniform to school every Wednesday, even if it is not their allocated sports day.