On Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th March, while the half of the year group were on Camp at Fitzroy Falls Year 7 students participated in the Year 7 Reflection Day based around the theme of: ‘The Seed will Grow: Building Right Relationship’.
During these days, facilitated by staff at the College, the students participated in a number of activities including Team Building, African Drumming, Meditation, Indigenous Art and Drama Workshops; which enabled the students to reflect on their growth as young Year 7 Edmund Rice Students. These activities each had a particular focus in which the students could take with them as they continue to build relationships with others and reflect on their place within the College Community.
The boys were challenged and reflective during the activities and enjoyed the day to have this time outside of the classroom to reflect on the first 6 weeks of their secondary schooling at ERC.
Their final activity as a group was ‘The Cosmic Walk’ ritual in which the students were able to see their individual impact in creation and their own potential as they grow into ‘men for others’ throughout their years as ERC students and beyond.
Some reflections from Year 7 students from the Reflection Days:
“It was a good time to reflect because after being out in nature and with our class, it was easier to reflect and join in activities”.
“It gives you a chance to slow down and work together and reflect with your friends.”
“It was really fun and you get to connect with your inner self and understand who you really are.”
Mrs Anderson
Acting Head of Religion