ERC Updates

Year 7 Camp

OUR OPTIMUM EXPERIENCE | PART 1 – Written by Darius Hamod, Heath Hansen, George Griffin, Jonathan Pulido, Orlando Hunt, Lucas Coelho.

Over two and half days, just over 100 students travelled on two buses to Fitzroy Falls to participate in an Outdoor Adventure Camp with Optimum Experiences.

We were divided into tribes and experienced a range of outdoor activities designed to challenge our mental and physical abilities.

In the red tribe we believe in respect and to push ourselves to our limit by doing the big swing which is a 15 metre swing that requires great bravery and that most students pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and we have learnt a lot as a team.

In the yellow tribe we listened and learnt about our Australian Indigenous culture. During this experience, we heard about the Dharawal Peoples and their stories. We embarked on a short stroll where we were introduced to native plants that are used for food or healing purposes. It was very interesting to learn about leaves and ferns that Indigenous Australians use for things such as attracting snakes, making soap and soothing insect bites.

In the orange tribe we displayed great courage and persistence through abseiling. There were many students that pushed themselves further than they thought they could go. Our instructor and team were very encouraging and we supported each other and triumphs together.

In the blue tribe, we pedalled out of our comfort zone and pushed our fears as we descended down the mountain bike trail. In the warm up we focused on controlling our bikes and ensuring we developed our balance and braking abilities. We ended the session covered in mud, but had smiles on our faces.

In the purple group we were focused on teamwork and determination. Our group had an amazing buzz of encouragement when someone was challenging themselves in a tough situation and 10 out of 10 times, the teamwork and encouragement shown towards each other was part of the reason we succeeded. Our team was very united so if someone is struggling in an activity and then succeeded the entire team counts it as a win.

In the green tribe we displayed bravery climbing up a tall ladder to participate in a highwire activity. Balanced high above the ground we had to use teamwork and communication to transfer from one lily pad platform to another. For some of us this was easy, but for others it was a nerve-wracking experience. We all had a go at this challenging activity.

We all had an amazing experience and managed to make some new friends and learn more about ourselves and each other. We would like to thank all our instructors from Optimum Experiences and our teachers for giving us this great opportunity!


After an exciting start to the trip with a broken down bus and a quick transfer on the highway, the second half of Year 7 arrived for their first ERC camp experience. Everyone was excited to try some new and exciting activities and get to know each other in a fun setting. Each tribe has chosen their favourite experience to share:

In the green tribe, our favourite activity was during the high ropes when we took on the lily pads. We enjoyed this because it helped us develop our teamwork skills. We worked together to help each other over each obstacle by supporting the ropes and cheering each other on. We loved having a common goal and celebrating our successes together.

In the red tribe, our favourite part was the giant swing. We all got to give it a go, and the teachers too! The scariest part was the moment where you reach up to pull the green ball and then you drop into the biggest swing you’ve ever seen. We felt happy that we got to conquer our fears and it’s a memory that will last forever.

In the blue tribe, our favourite activity was the spaceship, a team building activity with a series of challenges. First up, we had to guide each other through ascending numbers but without the use of words or motions. It took us a while to get used to it, and we had to restart every time we failed but we never gave up! Secondly, you had to fill up the water pipe and get the ball to the top but there were holes in the pole!! We all had to try to stop it with whatever we had like hands, shirts, tongues and even toes!! The best part was that we all came together at the end to make sure everybody finished the activity and had fun.

In the yellow tribe, our favourite activity was abseiling. When we were at the top we were nervous and anxiety struck! But with the help of our instructors and the cheers of our peers, we realised we could do anything we set our minds too. After we did it once we all wanted to go again!

In the orange tribe, our favourite activities were the abseiling and giant swing because everyone had a go. It didn’t matter if you were nervous or scared, you knew you had your tribes support and could complete the task. One of the best parts was Mr Bonaccorso falling over on the rope when he was helping us on the giant swing! It was really exciting doing activities that we haven’t done before and we can’t wait for our next camp.

In the purple tribe, we loved abseiling too because it pushed us past our limits. It was something new that a lot of us hadn’t done before. We loved the thrill of leaning over the edge whilst still being safe in a harness. One of the best parts of camp was being outside in nature and getting a break from the busy city.

We’ve all loved our time at camp and will be going home with stories and memories to share with our peers and families for years to come.

Mr Bates and Mr Panozzo
Pastoral Care Coordinators