ERC Updates

Walk N’ Talkathon – Years 7 & 11

On Thursday 17th June, In support of Men’s Health Week, Edmund Rice held their first ever Walk N’ Talkathon for Years 7 and 11.

This initiative recognised the need for all students to feel safe, connected and supported at school and within the wider community. The Walk N’ Talkathon was designed to strengthen feelings of connection and cultivate an environment which fosters a sense of belonging. This allowed students to get to know each other at the College through providing another peer support opportunity.

The Walk ‘N Talkathon took place during Periods 4 and 5. Students wore house colours and were asked to bring in a gold coin donation to support the  #talktomebro campaign. 

During the walk students stopped at various stations to hear from male speakers including Mr Macdonald, Mr Bates, Mr Jackson, Mr Brown and Matthew Armitage( Year 11) who all shared personal experiences that related to Men’s Health. The boys were provided with an opportunity to reflect on these stories and engage in conversations as they ‘strolled’ around the school.  

Many conversations occurred between students in both year groups. Year 11s were very happy to pass on their words of wisdom to Year 7, giving them advice regarding coping with the demands of assessment tasks, how to become involved in extracurricular activities and even provided some helpful hints for the Year 7 Social Day which will be held with Saint Marys in Term 4! 

The day concluded with a sausage sizzle and some free time where they could continue their conversations over lunch and enjoy some free time after a busy assessment period.

Thanks to everyone who made the day possible including Ms Hughes, Mr Jackson, Mr Marsh, Mr Bates, Ms Stella  for their organisation, Mr Macdonald and Mr Brown for sharing their own personal stories, the Year 11 SRC students whose enthusiasm allowed this day to happen and for Mr Sjostedt, Mrs Cody and the Year 11 hospitality class who organised the sausage sizzle. A special thanks to all Year 7- 11 Home Room teachers for supporting this initiative, being there to support our students. 

Mrs Carmen Russell