ERC Updates

Tournament of the Minds

On Sunday 21st of August, Isaac Mitrevski, Rhys Barnes, Daniel Morozov, Christian Yeo, and Jonathan Bendeich all went to the University of Wollongong for the Tournament of Minds.

Our team, Clt-Sht-Q-Q, chose the STEM challenge which involved presenting a 300g gold nugget on a mechanism that had multiple speeds which could be shown from multiple angles. As well as this we had to present this by creating a play. When we arrived at the UOW we had our STEM spontaneous task. We had to come up with three things that could grow off genetically modified trees. The three items we chose were coal, batteries, and solar panels. After this we had our prepared play. We did a Black Market auction, using masks, table tennis bats and a judge’s mallet to show what our roles were. The play went very well, with the audience cheering us on.

Although we did not win in our eyes we are all winners. Thanks to Mr Milner, Mr Sozio, Noel Joseph, Ms Shumack and Ms Mascord for their help and support. It was an awesome experience and I would encourage everyone to try Tournament Of Minds.

Rhys Barnes (Year 8)