ERC Updates

Ration Challenge & Sleep Out for SCARF

The Ration Challenge Group has been continuing with their fundraising efforts and planning strategies this week, with the team of 30 students and 2 teachers having so far raised nearly $2000 to support Refugee families in need.

During Week 8, in addition to the official Challenge, students will be raising awareness of the plight of refugees both in Australian Detention Centres and around the world by holding a number of events including:

  • a lunchtime Voluntary Detention Session
  • a Sleepout @ Home in conjunction with other Australian EREA Schools, with a Zoom session involving guest speakers from local volunteer organisations and government officials
  • the option of participating in the cooking of a ration-style meal to be eaten with family members to heighten the profile of this cause.

Stay tuned for more information about how students and their families can get involved with these activities either directly or by sponsoring, encouraging and praying for those participating.

Mrs Knowles