ERC Updates

My Future Matters Excursion to UOW

Welcome back to Term 4. I am very proud of all the Year 11 and 12 students who have been showing such resilience and academic skills in both the trial and HSC exams that have been underway these last few months. Well done and keep it up! Our ancestors would be very proud.

Reminder for all parents/guardian of First Nations students in Years 7-10 to fill in the excursion permission note to attend the University of Wollongong’s My Future Matters Day at UOW with First Nations students from across the Illawarra on Tuesday 15th November. Fantastic opportunity for our students to connect with mob across the Illawarra. Permission notes need to be returned by the 21st of October.

For all First Nations students. The My Future Matters 2023 shirt competition closes on the14th of October. Come speak to Ms Neal if you have questions or need assistance.

Ms Neal
Aboriginal Coordinator