During the week, the College released the Learning & Wellbeing Framework. The Framework recognises the importance of student voice and the development of confident and resilient learners. This is supported through the development of positive learning behaviours and a growth mindset for our students to flourish.
The four EREA Touchstones are embedded within the four dimensions of the Framework, which include Respectful Relationships, Quality Learning & Teaching, Building Resilience and Formation for Learning.
The following statement is included in the Framework, which includes at the heart, teachers recognising the complexity and important work in accommodating the diverse learning needs of our students, as well as the impact of positive relationships on learning.
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition and in the spirit of Jesus as a liberating educator, we respect the dignity of each young person entrusted in our care and commit ourselves to knowing their story as a person and a learner.
The Learning & Wellbeing Framework will support decision making to improve experiences for our students and will be visible throughout the College.
Mr Sozio
Director of Learning and Teaching