ERC Updates

From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

In recent weeks “My Strengths” in conjunction with McCrindle Research released their Youth Wellbeing Report. This research identifies the key factors impacting on the wellbeing of young people in 2021. I encourage you to view some of the findings from this report HERE as the insights gleaned from this research allow us as parents and educators to respond to the needs of young people and equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the world we live in.

Throughout this year we have seen evidence of extraordinary resilience from many of our students. Many of our families availed themselves of the opportunity to undertake the Raising Resilience Course by Dan Hardie. The feedback from those families who have participated in this course has been extremely positive. The course addresses the following key areas.

  • Resilience 101- Breaking through the quitting points
  • Screen Detox
  • The #1 way to build a resilient mind
  • Suffering from NDD (Nature Deficit Disorder)
  • Addressing stress and taking back control
  • How to get the JOY back in your home
  • Topping up your emotional tank
  • 3-2-1 Habit growing mindset
  • Overcoming negative bias
  • Disconnecting from perfection culture

For those families who missed the opportunity to take up this offer, we have been fortunate to offer 15 additional families the opportunity to access this course if you would like to access this course at no cost. If you would like to access this offer please simply login to use ERC2021 as your coupon at the checkout, once these 15 places have been secured the code will expire.

In the coming weeks we will be nominating and electing our student leaders for Years 8-11 2022. In recent weeks we have been talking to the boys about the skills needed for leadership and encouraging the boys to take a risk and nominate themselves for consideration in the 2022 team. This week our newly elected Senior Student Leadership team addressed the school community via Zoom, providing insights into each of the portfolios and encouraging the boys to get involved. This week’s Parenting Ideas article by Michael Grose is titled “That’s Leadership Thinking”. I encourage you to read this article and share the insights with your son, asking him to consider his ability to think like a leader. Whilst, not every student will have the opportunity to take up a formal leadership position in 2022, the skills referred to in Michael’s article are skills that benefit each of us as leaders whether we have a formal badge or an invisible leadership badge.

Mrs Hughes
Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing