ERC Updates

From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

This Sunday we celebrate and recognise the very important role of fathers in the lives of their children. Michael Grose parenting expert discusses the changing role of fatherhood and the important contribution fathers make to a young person’s development,  socialisation,  resilience and sense of fun. Here is the link to Michael’s article In Praise of fathers: the place of the modern dad

Thursday the 9th of September is R U Ok Day  which encourages the use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

During extended admin on Tuesday and again on Thursday students in Year 7-10 will be participating in a range of activities aligned to R U Ok I encourage you to talk to your sons about the conversations he has in Homeroom this week 

I am also pleased to announce two wonderful opportunities for parents.

On Tuesday 14th September at 7pm we will be offering a 1 hour Zoom presentation for parents. This Zoom will be presented by Rocky Biasi who created the Accidental Counsellor Training as a result of his experience as a high school teacher and school counsellor. He is a counsellor in private practice and works with schools and organisations to help people listen and respond to emotional upset and distress without being overwhelmed.

The Accidental Counsellor for Parents is a valuable session if you want to learn how to connect and influence your child in a positive communication.

The session will cover:

1) How to look out for signs that your child needs extra support

2) How to listen and ask solution focused questions to help influence positive behaviour

3) Mental wellbeing strategies to boost your emotional state.

Join Zoom Meeting: HERE

Meeting ID: 875 2374 4279

Passcode: 939987

Raising Resilience Course

The second opportunity is aligned to Mental Health month in October and provides an opportunity for your families to be part of a Nationwide Campaign that promotes positive mental health. 


On the 1st October, thousands of families will be joining together to turn the tide on youth mental health. Created by Dan Hardie, the Raising Resilience Course brings practical strategies on managing screen time, overcoming anxious thoughts, and improving relationships. The Raising Resilience Course has short 3-4 minute daily videos with an action step, and we are hoping that our whole community will join together toward positive wellbeing and resilience. The super early bird rate for participation in this course is $27. 

I am pleased to announce that Edmund Rice College has pre-purchased this Course for 100 families, as we seek to support you and your family through this difficult COVID Lockdown. To participate in the nationwide campaign and start the course on the 1st October, Register Now at . To claim the 100% discount we are offering, simply use ERC2021 as your coupon at the checkout.

Mrs Hughes

Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing