ERC Updates

From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

Pastoral Care update
Today is the National Day of Action Against Bullying, the theme of which is Kindness Culture, a culture which promotes inclusion, value, respect, and fosters a strong sense of belonging. This will form the basis of our Pastoral lessons on Tuesday morning. Providing a safe and supportive environment for all our students is our highest priority. Parents are reminded that we have a zero tolerance for bullying at Edmund Rice and are encouraged to make contact with your son’s Pastoral Care teacher, Assistant Pastoral Coordinator or Pastoral Coordinator.


Year 7
This Saturday the P&F are hosting the Year 7 Welcome BBQ and looking at the last count there are over 300 attending this community event from 2pm-5pm on Saturday 19 March at the ERC Centre.

The boys are currently discovering that many of the subjects have assessment tasks falling due and I would encourage those who do need support and encouragement to attend a daily afternoon at the College Homework Club. This is a valuable opportunity as there are teachers and support for the boys to be organised and supported in their learning and completion of these tasks.

I remind parents that Immunisation Forms were given to each student this week. I ask that these be returned to school before 24 March as Immunisations will be conducted in Week 10 Friday 1 April. Immunisations are carried out and if you wish to visit your GP you may but we do require a note for the NSW School Vaccination Program Officer on the day Immunisations are carried out if they do not require a vaccination.

I congratulate all of Year 7 on their friendly and enthusiastic manner they are displaying each day at school. The generosity in Missions and compassion that most of the students display with each other is a tremendous effort and expression of pride they each have being a member of the Year 7 cohort and community.

Mr Russell Bates
Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8
Last week the Year 8 cohort met with our College Counsellors – Ms Natalie Potter and Mr Tim Rowe who outlined the services they offer and the types of situations the boys may need to access their assistance. Occasionally for young fella’s, it is tricky to speak up when feeling a little low. Often the first step is to reach out to an adult and this act in itself can go a long way to help improve their overall mindset.

The Year 8 boys have done a terrific job of writing their goals for this year. In the coming weeks the Pastoral Care teachers will endeavour to work with each boy to tweak their goals into worthwhile, achievable and measurable goals for 2022.

Mr Pat Preeo
Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 9
Over recent weeks, students in Year 9 have engaged with a variety of activities to build both their relationships with each other as well as their faith as part of the College Pastoral Program. Earlier this term, the planned Cohort House Based Activities was unfortunately cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. Fortunately, the Year 9 Pastoral Care Teachers were able to provide a variety of peer-relationship building activities that sought to engage the students with each other as members of a cohesive Pastoral Class. These included individual and team-based games, to which much enjoyment was had.

Last week, Year 9 attended Mass held by Fr Duane in the College Chapel. Fr Duane’s messages of compassion, gratitude and transformation were heavily influenced by the cohort Pastoral focus for this year – Be Transformed: Becoming a Good Man. It is fantastic to see the boys participate in faith-based activities that instil in them a love for God and their fellow man.

Looking ahead, it is my hope that the students in Year 9 take away the valuable lessons from their recent Pastoral Program activities as they begin their Christian Service Learning Program for 2022, further emphasising, through lived experiences, the importance of positive relationships and being a man for others.

Mr Jeremy Forshaw
Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 10
In week 2 of this term students were asked to evaluate their Year 9 academic results then set 2 subject related and 1 personal goal for Semester 1.

Last Tuesday students were introduced to our own ERC careers website, a one stop careers shop.

After registering at students were shown how to access a number of really worthwhile functions such as: Careers tests and quizzes, careers investigation, Resume and cover letter templates and a host of other careers tools. In the first week of Term 2 further careers information may promote thought and enquiry about possible careers for the next stage of the goal setting process by creating a career goal.

Looking ahead, decisions will soon need to be made about intentions for 2023. ‘To leave or not to leave that is the big question’.

Mr Garry Cajar
Assistant Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator



Next week we are hosting Internet Safe Education offering opportunities for both students and parents to be informed about the latest research and support in place in relation to Internet safety. This session will be presented by Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education. Brett is a former detective who worked as a Queensland Police Officer for 22 years. Cyber safety is a growing area of concern for young people. I encourage parents to take up this invitation to attend this important education evening. Please register your interest here.

Mrs Hughes
Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing