Families have been emailed the learning and wellbeing goals and related strategies set by their son(s) for Semester 1. It was pleasing to see a number of parents/carers referring to the goals set by their sons during the recent parent teacher interviews. Families are recommended to spend time speaking with their son(s) about the learning and wellbeing goals set. The following questions may support conversations with your son(s):
- What are your learning and wellbeing goals?
- Why are these goals important to you?
- What are the strategies you will implement to achieve these goals?
- What will be some of the challenges in achieving these goals and how will you overcome these?
- Who can you ask for support?
- What will it look like when you have achieved your goals?
Click here for a link to a Goal Setting Overview developed by the Study Samurai Library. This overview will support you in your conversations with your son(s). It includes the following sections: Types of Goals, Rules for Goal-Setting, Goal Setting Mindset, To Create A More Positive Attitude, Using Your Goals, Reasons Why We Don’t Achieve Our Goals and Developing Resilience.
Our students have had a smooth start to their NAPLAN Tests this week. Students have been administered the Writing and Reading Tests. Naplan Tests continue next week with Language Conventions and Numeracy. A reminder that students can access Practice NAPLAN papers on the College LERA page. Click here to access the resources.
Elevate Education
A reminder that the College will be hosting Elevate Education on Thursday 19 May 2022 for parents/carers of Year 8 to 12 parents. The seminar will provide parents/carers with strategies to support their children in reinforcing at home skills taught in class.
Following are the details for the evening.
Date: Thursday 19 May 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Edmund Rice Centre (Hall)
Click here to register – please register by Friday 13 May 2022.
Study Samurai Library
All families have access to the Study Samurai Library. The Study Samurai Library includes the Study Skills Module website which provides advice and resources on developing essential skills for academic success. To access the Study Samurai Library website, go to www.studysamurailibrary.com and login with these details:
Username: edmundrice
Password: 13achieve
This week, families are able to spend time watching a video and review related resources on the Study Skills unit: Study Notes 2. Click here to access the resources.
Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have any questions.
Gerry Sozio
Director of Learning & Teaching