ERC Updates

From the Director of Learning and Teaching

What is the main purpose of assessment? Some may say, to be able to generate a grade for a student’s report. This may be one function. However, the main purpose of assessment is to improve student learning.

Assessment can be classified as summative or formative. During Off Campus Learning, the College is focusing on formative assessment strategies for students in Years 7 to 10. Formal assessment tasks, such as cross form exams and hand-in assignments, will not be administered during this time.

Teachers can use a variety of formative assessment strategies to gather evidence about students’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Formative assessment is of great benefit to both students and teachers.

Teachers use formative assessment information to assist them in building a picture of where each student is at in terms of their learning against syllabus standards, and also informs their planning of learning experiences for students. Teachers also use this information to provide feedback to students on their learning. The feedback provided to the students informs them where they are at with their learning and what they need to do in order to improve.

Formative assessment strategies can include questioning, discussions, group work, in-class work submission, class tasks, student self-evaluation and reflection and peer feedback. Teachers have a number of techniques they can use in the online environment, including but not limited to strategic questioning and statements, the chat function, quizzes, Exit Tickets, Mote voice notes and feedback and google suite applications. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria included in Google Posts will assist students with self-evaluation and reflection.

Students in Year 11 will commence their Preliminary Final exams next week. Best wishes to all Year 11 students. Further, Year 11 students will soon receive their HSC Assessment Schedules, which includes the administering of initial HSC formal tasks next term. Note that formative assessment strategies continue to be used in Years 11 and 12. The strategies support student growth in learning and best prepare them for the scheduled formal tasks.

Click HERE to hear international expert, Dylan Wiliam, talk about formative assessment. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Sozio if you have any questions in relation to formative assessment.

Study Skills Handbook: A reminder that all families have access to the Study Skills Handbook.

Username: edmundrice
Password: 13achieve

PROBLEM OF THE FORTNIGHT: If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what is four and five?

PREVIOUS ANSWER: C has a black hat. If she had a white hat, then A’s response would rule out the possibility that B also had a white hat, as A would then have seen two white hats and therefore have known that his own hat must be black. Seeing C’s white hat would then have told B that her hat must be black, so she would have said ‘Yes’. When she answers ‘No’, C knows her hat must be black.

Mr Sozio
Director of Learning and Teaching