As a Catholic community, we begin the journey towards Christmas on Sunday, November 28, the first Sunday of Advent. In their final assemblies next week, the students will reflect on the fact that Advent is a time to prepare ourselves for this momentous event by re-evaluating the way we live – living out a Gospel Spirituality means noticing those in our world who need us and need our support.
Today, we take this brief time out of our busy lives to reflect on the season of Advent and its message of hope. Preparing for Christmas is about more than buying presents or thinking about what we are going to eat. The Gospel tells us that we do not know when to expect Christ’s return, but that we should be ready when it happens. This can be difficult in a world with so many distractions that draw our attention away from what we seek – Christ’s light, and the hope that it brings.
We want to take the time to thank the parents, staff, students and community members who have contributed to our Christmas appeal. We are able to support local young women escaping violence as well as families in our local area through St Vincent de Paul West Wollongong and Gwynneville.
She’s Someone
As a College community, it is our privilege to work alongside our young men in learning about and understanding issues of social justice that require a response to affirm the human dignity of all people. During the past two weeks, we have focussed on the dignity of all women, not because they are someone’s mother, daughter, sister or even any relation, but because each woman, each man is a person in their own right and thus deserve respect. We extend thanks to the St Mary Star of the Sea community, especially their new Year 12 leaders who worked with our students to develop an engaging and thoughtful campaign. You can watch the video of the presentation HERE