ERC Updates

From the Deputy Principal

College Photos (1) – 19 May
Students will receive their Advanced Life envelopes in Pastoral Classes on Monday morning. The official letter from Advanced Life is contained within the Newsletter.

Founders Day – Friday 6 May

On Friday May 6, we will as a community celebrate Founders Day, marking the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Our hope is to offer students the opportunity to gather together to celebrate Blessed Edmunds life through both liturgy and a range of community building activities. The last two years have unfortunately caused us to cancel many such opportunities in an endeavour to ensure that we adhered to covid safe practices.

Specific information regarding the Founders Day Activities scheduled, and what is required, will be sent through directly to parents and students. This information will consist of:

  • An outline of the day
  • How to pre-purchase tokens
  • How to attain parental permission for access to the Bubbling with Energy (inflatables)
  • A comprehensive list of activities and food available

Staffing Update for Term 2
We welcome the return of Mrs Sparks from maternity leave who recontinues her shared role as PDHPE, Head of Department. We would sincerely like to thank Mr MacDonald for taking on the full responsibilities in the Head of Department role in Mrs Sparks absence.

We also welcome back Mrs Haines from leave and thank Mrs Kennedy for taking on her classes at the end of Term 1.

The following changes to the teaching staff for Term 2 are as follows:
Ms Herrmann will be on maternity leave for the remainder of the year. We congratulate Mr Crapis on the position of temporary Mathematics teacher in her absence
Mr Jones will take on the role of PDHPE teacher in a job-share to replace Mr Crapis who was previously covering Mrs Sparks’ classes

Mr Walsh
Deputy Principal