ERC Updates

From the Deputy Principal

Holidays: End of Term 1

Considering that the last ten weeks has been without resorting back to Off Campus Learning, this represents the longest period since Term 2, 2021 of continual attendance and learning at school, for the majority of staff and students. AS this is our final newsletter for the term, I wish to acknowledge all members of our community in the way in which everyone has embraced opportunities of ‘normality’ with college events either hosted or provided for parents and students.

Reminder: Term 2 is a change to Winter Uniform (as per College diary) from the first day back

As indicated in the student diary, the College winter uniform guidelines are as follows:

Years 11 & 12 (All year round)

  • College grey trousers (worn with College grey/stripe socks)
  • Plain black belt (to be worn at all times)
  • Ice blue shirt with College logo
  • College black blazer with senior tie (compulsory in Terms 2 & 3)
  • Plain, black, polishable leather school shoes
  • ERC red jumper/vest (worn under the blazer in cold weather)

Years 7 – 10 Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)

  • College grey trousers (worn with College grey/stripe socks)
  • Plain black belt (to be worn at all times)
  • Ice blue shirt with College logo and College tie
  • Plain, black, polishable leather school shoes
  • ERC red jumper with junior tie and/or ERC jacket (black, red and white) with junior tie

At all times the College uniform is to be worn properly by students. This includes travelling to and from school. The ERC uniform procedure not only includes various parts of the uniform by how the uniform is worn. Shirts should be completely tucked in at all times, top buttons done up and ties done up properly, wearing a black belt with shoes being polished and clean. Students are reminded that they are to be clean shaven, long hair must be tied back with hair not exceeding the collar and should be off the face.

Moving towards the beginning of holidays I encourage parents and carers to locate your son’s College winter uniform sooner rather than later, to ensure he is prepared for the beginning of Term 2. Especially where he may have had a growth spurt throughout lockdown since he last wore components of the uniform.

Year 12 – Bomber Jackets

Throughout Term 1 the Year 12 cohort have been permitted to wear their senior bomber jackets for three days a week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This will continue for Term 2, due to their cooperation and diligence around wearing the appropriate uniform on respective days. As long as this privilege is respected by the students and they are seen to be working with the college to meet the uniform expectations, I would imagine this pattern to continue for Term 3 to include another day in the week.

Enjoy a safe and restful break, may the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear. May Christ, Our Risen Saviour, always be there by your side to bless you most abundantly and be your living guide.

Mr Walsh
College Deputy Principal