ERC Updates

CSL Junior Winter Sleepout

Having only finished the 2023 Junior Winter Sleep out just now (Thursday 7th of September), I wanted to take a moment to draw your attention to some of the incredible feedback and experiences of the boys. The Year 7, 8 and 9 students have been learning about and raising money for MCCI (formally SCARF) and the incredible work they do in support of humanitarian refugees and people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in the Illawarra. These students have demonstrated solidarity and compassion, taking action and raising over $4500 for MCCI. With more than 40 students and teachers sleeping out in the ERC foyer, it is also wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge those students who contributed the College’s impressive fundraising total and were unable to sleep out.

Please also view some of the action shots of the boys’ cardboard shelters and with guest speaker Allyson Pazos, MCCI’s General Manager Refugee and Youth Support. Congratulations to all the boys who were involved in this important initiative. What an incredible achievement and expression of what it means to be an Edmund Rice Man. Well done boys!
I would also like to express my gratitude to all the teaching staff who contributed to supervision on the night, cooking the breakfast BBQ and especially those who slept out overnight in support of our boys.

Year 10 Leader: Timothy Armitage
When the students arrived, they started building their shelters out of cardboard. It was great to see everyone working together and helping each other out. We all sat down to listen to our guest speaker from MCCI/SCARF, Allyson Pazos, hearing about the work that her organisation does. Afterwards, we participated in a game where the aim was to stop policemen from sending innocent refugees to detention. It was a good learning experience and helped us to realise how refugees feel. After the game, we went into the hall and played some soccer and basketball. We finished the night by sleeping in cardboard shelters. We were greeted with a bacon and egg breakfast in the morning. It was a great opportunity for us to raise awareness, raise money, and be educated on these significant and current issues present in our very own community. We learnt that over 85 humanitarian refugees landed in the Illawarra in the past 3 months, and this experience has undoubtedly helped us to understand what it is like for these people landing in the Illawarra and how we can support them in the many challenges they face. In summary it was a positive learning experience as well as being a good way to build teamwork and friendships.

  • The night overall was really fun and I enjoyed the activities we participated in such as group games, futsal and we also had the privilege of listening to a speaker from MCCI. (Malachy Hurley)
  • I think it was a really good to experience how homeless people and refugees feel every day. (Jadsyn Sellick)
  • The Sleepout was fun and I got to hang out with friends. We played a game that was also fun. (Liam Faddy)
  • It was an extremely fun experience where we were able to feel a small portion of a refugee’s troubles. (Aaron Pasztor)
  • I think it was a fun experience. But i enjoyed sleeping out with my friends and experiencing the life of a person who doesn’t have a home (Adam Pyke)
  • The sleep out was fun and I enjoyed it. The cardboard was uncomfortable but it was a good experience to do and I think everyone enjoyed it. (Luca Thomas)
  • I had a good time and the experiences were good (Curtis Jackal)
  • l think it was good good and l’m glad that some of my friends came. (Noah Charteris)
  • I think it was good and it was a fun time. (Farbod Ghafarnezhad)
  • The sleep out was fun way to raise awareness and support refugees I would do it again but I would bring an air mattress as the cardboard was uncomfortable. (Geordie Walkley)
  • Sleeping on cardboard was not very great but I had an amazing time and it was good to support the refugees. (Jacob Austin)

Mr Pullella
CSL Coordinator