ERC Updates

Creative Arts

MAD / VAM Night

The Creative Arts Department have been very busy preparing for next weeks ‘MAD’ Night. There will, however, be a slight change to the name this year, now being VAM Night- Visual Arts and Music! The opening night is next Thursday 31st August 5.30pm in Waruga House (Visual Arts Centre). Dr Stephen Gough will officially open the event at 6pm. The Visual Arts Exhibition showcases artwork from all year groups with a focus on the Year 12 HSC Bodies of Work. The Art Exhibition will remain open until 7.30pm and then will be open for the students on Friday 1st September and for families and friends on Saturday 2nd September from 10am – 3pm.

Mr Mario Bonaccorso and Mr Greg Haybittle have also been very active preparing the music students for their performances next week. Year 12 Music students will be performing their HSC pieces in G1 along with the Jazz Band and Junior Band. Year 9 and Year 11 music students will be performing in G2 along with the Stage Band and other soloists. These performances will begin directly after Dr Gough’s opening welcome.

We look forward to you joining us to celebrate the talent of our creative arts students.


The ERC Drama Club boys from Year 7 to 9, performed their one act play “The Godmother Gang”, while others were involved as extras playing zombies in “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse”. All boys did a fabulous job on stage at the Phoenix Theatre – congratulations to them all! Thank you to Ms Erin Mascord for organising this wonderful opportunity for the boys.

ERC Vocal Group

Last Tuesday 22nd August, some members of the ERC Vocal group, Gabriel Stranges and Liam Faddy accompanied Mrs Kate Whitworth to the Mt Terry Warrigal Care Centre to perform their latest repertoire. They performed a wide range of popular songs which was well received by the residents, and we are pleased to announce that they have been invited back for future performances.

Ms Costello
Head of Creative Arts