ERC Updates

Year 7 Welcome BBQ

On Saturday we gathered together in the College grounds to welcome our new students and their families. The occasion was also an opportunity to welcome and meet members of our newly appointed College leadership team, Mr Stephen Gough Principal, Mr Barry Walsh Deputy Principal, Mrs Jodie Hughes Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing and Ms Nadia Neal Indigenous Education Officer.

Traditionally this gesture of community and inclusivity our Parents & Friends have warmly welcomed the new parents and students of Year 7 with a social gathering. The setting and location for this event is and was on Saturday perfect in many ways. Blessed with great autumn weather, warm, glistening sunshine, lush vibrant trees shading the picnic area and treated to a smorgasbord of fine food and refreshments beneath the foothills of Mt Keira.

The Parents & Friends committee was wonderfully led by Mrs Adriana Clark who tirelessly prepared and provided the outdoor picnic setting that enabled all who attended a social and friendly atmosphere to meet and greet each other. Having a chance to put names with faces and enjoy the beautiful grounds that we are able to access every day was also rewarding to listen and chat with ex-students and their families as well as meet new families who have joined the College for the first time.

May I extend to all the workers and helpers who set up and provided this hospitality a huge thank you and invite our new families to get involved in many of the events and occasions that will take place during the year. Looking ahead we will celebrate Mother’s Day, with an afternoon tea on the 6th May, being a terrific gesture of appreciation and heartfelt thanks to our mothers and carers.

I was delighted and proud to see so many ex-students with their sons who I had not seen since they had graduated from College in the late 80’s and early 90’s. The tradition is alive and strong with the continuation of the next generation of young boys joining the College. The College is the benefactor of the many generations of students, families, teachers and brothers hard work and challenging commitment to building and planning this amazing College and it’s beautiful gardens and green spaces. I would not be able to find too many places like Edmund Rice College that have such a warm, relaxing, friendly and welcoming environment. We are the custodians and therefore recognise the valuable contribution we have to ensure our community adopts and practices the Touchstones of inclusivity, gospel spirituality, liberating education and solidarity. 

The day before our National Anzac Day services was also special in that we remember our earlier brothers and sisters who represented our country and served overseas in many of the wars and conflicts with other nations. That we could live in peace and harmony together. Bringing together many nationalities and faiths who share in our common beliefs and traditions on this wonderful land.

Finally thank you all for joining us on Saturday afternoon and I look forward to the many opportunities we will come together to listen, support and work together as your sons continue their high school journey. I wish to thank all the teachers, staff and students who were present and made this occasion such a memorable and rewarding afternoon. New friendships, partnerships and relationships are what makes the college the friendly and welcoming place it is. May you find happiness and enjoyment in the years to come and thank you for making this occasion possible.

Live Jesus in your hearts! Forever!

Blessed Edmund Rice! Pray for us!

Russell Bates

Year 7 Coordinator

From the P & F

On behalf of the P & F I would like to thank the following parents and students for helping out at the Year 7 Welcome BBQ.

Benedicte Teteris, Francis Fenech, Katrina Sinclair, Afaf Mekhaael, Hayley Ashe, Kathy Hicks, Julia Yenne, Danielle Dobson, Ainsley Eckermann, Tom Cuoco, Paul Clark, Michael Jennett


Liam Clark, Anthony Fenech, Matthew Armitage, Troy Sinclair, Dylan Parker, Timothy Fenech, Ayman Hikmat, Cordell Yenne

We really appreciate you giving up your time to help make it a very pleasant and enjoyable afternoon. Thank you also to all the staff for attending and your help as well and Ms Codey for all her guidance with the preparation of the event.

We were very fortunate as well that we could donate all left over food to the Hope Community Kitchen in Port Kembla, the food was picked up from ERC and delivered to families within the local community.  The food was very well received and the Hope Community Kitchen was very thankful for the donation.

Mrs Adriana Clark

P & F