ERC Updates

Year 11 Work Placements

This week has seen the first of our Yr11 VET students attend work placement for the year.

Our Construction and Metal and Engineering students have been placed in a wide variety of  working environments. The diversity of the work has ranged from landscaping and concreting through to work on million dollar builds for the construction students while our Metals boys worked on cars, trucks and trains while also performing maintenance and production tasks in various workshops. 

All of the students were widely praised by their employers for their fantastic work ethic and mature approach to this very important week.

Some of our students have been so impressive this week that a number of employers have made the promise of apprenticeships or invited the students back for their next placement.

We are very proud of the fine effort by our boys and hope that they are able to use this experience to support their future goals.

Mr Brooks

VET Coordinator