Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome to Edmund Rice College and wow what a terrific start we have had with 198 young eager boys, immaculate in their uniforms for their first day. They were met by the Year 11 Peer Support Leaders on Monday morning who were their Big Brothers for the day assisting each of them with the very smooth transition. This enabled them to settle into their new school calmly and without too much stress. The transition week was designed to assist our younger members, to have a much more relaxed and less overwhelming start into high school.
It has been an excellent start with many of the boys relieved that they did not commence formal lessons and take homework home in the first week. The discussions and evaluations indicate clearly how positive their experiences have been and it has been rewarding hearing many of the parents supporting the program with happy sons going home each day.
Seeing friendly faces each day and boys eager to return is always a welcoming sight and makes for a very pleasant day. The new friendships and manner that the boys displayed is to be commended and has set them up for a promising year.
We believe it is necessary to deliberately allow the boys to start their year by finding their feet from day one with students from Years 8-11 not attending the school that day. This offered the boys maximum use of the College grounds and resources which also assisted them in finding their bus and locations for departure.
Day two saw the return of the whole school and this opened the eyes of all the cohort as to the real size the College is and how much more traffic there is moving through the school and traveling home on public transport. Initially there will be some buses feeling cramped and this is to be expected until all students begin to settle back into after-school activities and Homework Club. The numbers will reduce within a couple of weeks. If the numbers do not then the school will address the issue and be in contact with respective bus companies.
The week covered all the policies and procedures that relate to the use of devices, diaries, mobiles, uniform and presentation, Discipline and Merits, Goal setting, absenteeism and lateness to school, After-school Sport and sporting pathways, CSL, Sickbay, Hands off Policy, Homework Club, Extra-curricular activities, Touchstones, Friendships, House System, Time Management, Pastoral Focus and Catholic Identity, Chapel & College Tours, Meet & greet Student Leadership, College Leadership, Faculty Coordinators, Directors and Counsellors. Amongst this the boys engaged in a number of fun activities with their Peer Support Leaders developing new friendships and building relationships with the different members of their Pastoral Care Classes and House Groups while playing Basketball, Touch Football and Soccer developing teamwork.
Listening to the boys during the week who engaged with their teachers and Peer Support Leaders was an extremely positive and rewarding opportunity for everyone. They have settled in quickly and without fuss and anxiety. There will be some who may feel that they still need some time and that is perfectly understandable and we will support those boys over the next few weeks.
Our Pastoral Care teachers will spend time making contact by phone or email over the next couple of weeks to say hello and see how your son has found his first few weeks.
Mr Panozzo has placed the upcoming Camp details with parental permission note, medical form, check list and dietary needs you will need to attend to this and use the link to access the site of Optimum Experiences before the end of Week 3.
It is a great opportunity for all the boys to attend the outdoor camp and more information will be shared at the Parent Information evening next Wednesday 15 February at 7.00 pm. This should only go for an hour and will take place in the ERC Centre.
A reminder to any parent/carer who is still to return the College Medical Form which was given out last year in a Family Pack at the October Information evening. These forms are necessary so it enables all our records to be accurate and up to date. Medical conditions, medication, emergency contacts, addresses and mobile numbers are important and we need to be able to communicate regularly when the need arises.
On Tuesday the boys had the opportunity to draft their academic and wellbeing goals for this year. I encourage all the parents and carers to look at what these goals are and discuss why they are important and are achievable before the boys place them into TASS. This would also be a great time to check in and sign the Diary and see if this tool is being used.
Finally on behalf of the Year 7 Pastoral Care Team we are extremely grateful that your son has chosen Edmund Rice College and we look forward to sharing with them this educational journey. If at any time you wish to speak or contact the College please do not hesitate and refer to my last pastoral letter which listed the names of staff and their email addresses to enable a quick reply. May the year bring each much joy and happiness and I look forward to seeing you at the information Night on Wednesday the 15 February and the Welcome BBQ Saturday 18 March 2 pm – 5 pm.
Mr Bates
Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator