First Nations | Kobi Newton |
Community & Culture | Farbod Ghafarnezhad |
ERA for Change | Malachy Hurley |
Liturgy | Aaron Pasztor |
Social Justice | Yostin Haddad |
Sport | Jedd Thompson |
Sustainability | Hussein Abbas |
Wellbeing | Lewis Andrews |
Waterford House | Flint Kim |
Rice House | Lucas Coelho |
Ignatius House | Oliver Rossi |
Crown House | John Carolan |
McMahon House | Jadsyn Sellick-Fleuren |
Keira House | Aidan Rayner |
Pastoral Representatives | 7A Arya Cherukuri |
7B Chaise Jones 7C Mason Miller 7D Bede O’Donnell 7E Jonathan Pulido 7F Ethan Dzeparoski 7G Orlando Hunt 7H Eamon Hinds 7I Nash Ferguson |
Congratulations to each of the young men for firstly nominating themselves to represent their cohort on the 2023 Student Representative Council. The position carries much responsibility and commitment to attend meetings and be a voice for the younger students in the College.
They are very proud and looking forward to the many opportunities ahead of them this year. Their first task will be to assist in the planning of the Founders Day on the 5th May and work with the College SRC at the next full SRC meeting each Thursday. Individual delegates will attend respective meetings that plan for upcoming assemblies, charities, community, sport and sustainability events.
On behalf of the Pastoral Care team we wish each of our representatives a positive and fulfilling year in their respective roles they each have been appointed.
Mr Bates
Pastoral Care Coordinator