ERC Updates

Punctuality & Attendance

School attendance is an important indicator of wellbeing. Did you know that just one day a fortnight away from school equates to 4 weeks of school missed a year?  Attendance and punctuality contribute greatly to the academic success of students. Every minute counts, every minute lost can lead to gaps in your son’s learning, confidence and socialisation. Teaching your child to be on time for school is great preparation for the workforce, either in a part-time capacity or in life beyond Edmund Rice. Columnist China Hill suggests that parents; 

Prioritise their child’s attendance – ensure a morning routine that allows him to arrive at school with enough time to ensure he is ready for the day ahead. 

Model presence and punctuality –  the best teaching is done by example.

Teach strategies that lead to punctuality – sometimes being late is beyond our control for example the bus is late or the train service is interrupted. However, it is important to teach children some of the things that hasten the morning routine, e.g. packing their bag the night before, ensuring that all parts of their uniform are ready the night before or getting up half an hour earlier in the morning.

Allow natural consequences for absences and lateness – adopt a no excuses approach with your children. Allow your son to experience the consequence of lateness, at Edmund Rice College 3 unexplained lates will result in a 1 hour detention. 


In order to get the most out of his education, your son needs to attend school every day

Legally, each day of absence must be explained within 7 school days this can be done in any one of the following ways 

  •  By calling the College Office to inform the Staff, 
  •  Emailing the College at
  •  By sending a note to school with an explanation for the absence upon your son’s return. 

If you do not explain your son’s absence in one of the above mentioned ways, it remains ‘unexplained’ on the College roll, which is a legal document. We would greatly appreciate the efforts of parents/carers to ensure that all absences are explained and that in all circumstances the boys endeavour to ensure that they are punctual at both the beginning of the school day and to class.

Please note that the law requires us to inform you of our concerns around attendance. If a student has a number of unexplained absences or falls below 90% attendance you will receive a letter and a formal meeting may be required and an ‘Attendance Improvement Plan’ developed.

If there is anything else I can do to support you or your son(s) please contact me at the College.

Mrs Jodie Hughes

Director of Pastoral Care