Dear Parents and Carers,
Recent weeks have again highlighted the vibrant learning community that is ERC. While NAPLAN testing has been a significant focus for Years 7 and 9 students and their teachers, Year 10 students have been engaged with the ‘My Strengths’ Program in preparation for senior school subject selections. Today, Year 11 students travelled to Stanwell Tops to spend time together reflecting on their connection with each other and God, while next Tuesday, all students will participate in individual Reconciliation Week pastoral lessons.
I mention learning experiences, such as the recent Creative Arts Assembly, Commerce Market Day, Stage Band Primary School performances, and opportunities for students to participate in the Christian Service Learning (CSL) Program to highlight just a snapshot of the ERC learning culture. It is a learning culture that is not defined by a single exam mark but rather through each student feeling supported and empowered to achieve their own personal best and confident enough to contribute to making a difference in our world.
Last week the College hosted the annual EREA National Principals and Business Managers Conference. The conference focused on our shared purpose of ‘Co-Creating Confidence, Agency and Freedom’. It included representatives from across the EREA network of fifty-five schools who each share in the rich tradition and charism of Blessed Edmund Rice. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for our community to share our strong sense of ERC welcome and hospitality with the visiting colleagues. Thank you to the many ERC students who proudly volunteered to represent our College over the three days and the staff members who worked so hard to prepare and ensure our College learning community could shine on such a large scale event.
In these final days of May and within this very week of the feast day of Mary of Help of Christians, I offer you the following prayer:
Almighty God, deepen in our hearts our love of Mary Help of Christians.
Through her prayers and under her protection, may the light of Christ shine over our land.
May Australia be granted harmony, justice and peace.
Grant wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens.
Bless especially the men and women of the Australian Defence Force and their families.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.
A reminder that the P&F meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday (31st May) evening commencing at 7.00pm.
Best Wishes
Stephen Gough