Year 12
This week Year 12 students have returned from their final formal examinations before the HSC. The trial exam period presents the closest approximation of the HSC experience. Over the coming week students will receive their results and much important feedback on these exams. I would encourage all Year 12 students to look seriously at the areas that they can improve before the start of next term. Even if each student only increased their mark by a single mark each week they would improve by close to 10% before the HSC.
At the beginning of Week 7 (29 August 2022) Year 12 will be issued with their final school reports. These reports will detail a cumulative assessment mark, trial exam mark and their rank.
Wednesday Week 7 (31 August 2022) will be Year 12 final Parent Teacher evening. These interviews will take place from 3pm until 7pm in the Edmund Rice Centre. Bookings will be made available Tuesday Week 6, 23 August 2022.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the parents and carers for their support though this very busy time. There is a short but very important sprint left.
Year 11
Year 11 students are now building to their Preliminary exams. This will be a busy time for students and will commence Wednesday Week 8, 7 September 2022. All students have already been sent their timetable and will also receive a letter about the exam period. These exams are the first practice students will get at a HSC style exam under these conditions.
Year 11 reports will be made available Week 1 Term 4. Students with the capacity to change their study program will be given the opportunity to do so after Week 2 after an opportunity to meet with teachers about their subjects and progress.
Year 8
Subject selections for 2023 have now begun for Year 8 students. Each of these students will be picking up to four elective subjects for Year 9 and 10. These subjects will provide a sampler to what the College offers in senior years. Students are encouraged to expand their horizons and try something new. These selections are due Week 8, I encourage anyone with questions to contact me at the College.
Mr Milner
Director of Studies