Earlier in the year, the Sustainability and Eco-ERC team held the bi-annual waste audit. The main goal of the day was to reduce the amount of waste the school and students are making in the classroom and the playground. This is done through the three segregated bins: the yellow recycling bin, the red general waste bin, the 10 cent house coloured bins and the blue paper recycling bin.
Statistics of Waste Collected:
– General Waste: 40.0 kg
– Paper Recycling: 88.0 kg
– General Recyclable material: 2.5 kg
– Garbage bags: 2.0 kg
– Food waste from canteen: 7.0kg
– Total house bins: 6.0 kg
GRAND TOTAL: 145.5 kg, This is the equivalent to the weight of 3 average year 7 boys per day.
Ms Schodde
Sustainability Facilitator