Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week’s article (SMH 14th June) highlighted the increasing gender education gap between boys and girls across socioeconomic quartiles at both senior school and university levels. In many ways this strongly supports the need to provide a supportive and targeted environment for boys to flourish. The simple catch cry that ‘Boys succeed at ERC’ is illustrated by the many individual and collective student achievements regularly celebrated in newsletters and profiled on our social media posts. However, what sets our College apart is that ERC is not just a school with boys in it but, more importantly, is a College for boys.
Many parents and carers have heard me explain the importance of social connection and how boys will learn who the Teacher is before they understand what the subject is about. I am very proud of the way in which both Teachers and Support Staff are able to acknowledge and support the full range of boys’ emotions and vulnerabilities on any given day, fully appreciating their humour and energy. It is this commitment to building relationships that allows them to engage with each student in a manner that allows them to learn best. This awareness provides a safe and welcoming environment that allows our students to feel comfortable stepping out of their comfort zone to develop their learning potential. A recent example of this is the interest shown by a number of ERC students who have joined a vocal ensemble, as part of a joint venture with the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music (WollCon). It is important to acknowledge that boys are only willing to engage in such activities when they are encouraged by trusted mentors from within an authentically vibrant learning community.
While ERC students are encouraged to strive for excellence in academic, sporting, cultural, Catholic Social Teaching, and wellbeing pursuits, none is more important than the essential goal of building a good character based on faith and integrity, that is to be both a ‘man for others’ and a ‘man of honour.’ This is why the many graduates of our College and the difference they continue to make across our local and broader community are a testament to the mission and vision of our College.
I was a keen spectator at this week’s Annual Soccer Challenge and Tom Anderton Shield Rugby League competitions, which were held against Holy Spirit College earlier this week. The level of sportsmanship and respect from all participating players and coaches ensured the success of this long-standing tradition.
Despite the challenging poor weather throughout this Term, I am very pleased with the number of sporting teams that have participated in recent competitions and for representing the College with distinction. Earlier this week we publicly acknowledged so many of our students for their sporting achievements. Congratulations to all.
A reminder to parents that the first day of Term 3 is Tuesday 19th of July. On Monday 18th July, our staff will gather at various EREA schools across NSW to engage in professional learning opportunities that will allow individual faculties to share best practice and learn from each other in further refining both our programs and teaching practice.
I congratulate students on a very productive school Term and wish each of them a restful winter holiday.
Best Wishes
Stephen Gough