Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week our College proudly celebrated the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. In acknowledging the rich charism of Edmund Rice, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to our staff under the guidance of Mr Barry Walsh for their commitment to providing a fun-filled celebration for our students. Founders Day is a reminder of how blessed we are to be members of this Catholic learning community.
Congratulations to the following members of the College who were recognised for their commitment to the spirit of Edmund Rice during our Founders Day Liturgy:
Edmund Rice Student Leadership Awards:
Jay Despotoski (Year 8), Timothy Armitage (Year 9), Kascha Cervoni (Year 10), Ben Binoy (Year 11), Marcus Stevanoski (Year 12)
Staff Service Awards:
Mrs Patricia Hayman and Mr Mark Jackson were acknowledged for their 40 years of service to ERC.
Touchstone Awards:
Justice and Solidarity – Mrs Diane Schodde
Gospel Spirituality – Ms Sheree Codey
Liberating Education – Mrs Renate Dunkerley
Inclusive Community – Mrs Ann Preston
Parent Award: (as nominated by the P&F)
Mrs Ardri Clarke
The extension and refurbishment of the Administration Building Project is now underway. Visitors to the College will be aware that all staff have now fully vacated the existing Administration Building and have temporarily relocated to the Br Pelin Hall. I wish to acknowledge Mr Darren Jeffery for project managing the logistics for this move. Once this project is close to completion, we will review the current Master Plan priorities in the second half of this year.
In the coming weeks, Mrs Hughes, Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, will highlight the student data gleaned from our recent Wellbeing Survey to gain continuous insights into ERC student levels of engagement. Similarly, the College Leadership Team will shortly provide parents and carers with a brief survey on the various aspects of College life. Such surveys demonstrate our commitment to regularly evaluating and reviewing current practices and assist in informing future planning and consultation processes. I thank you in advance for your insights.
ERC is very proud to be hosting the National EREA Principal’s and Business Managers’ Conference, which will be held in Wollongong next week. The College will be hosting delegates on Wednesday 18th May for the official opening of the Conference. Please note that this will have no impact on regular classes.
Please keep former Deputy Principal, Mr Sam Tadros, and his family in your thoughts and prayers following the recent passing of his mother, Aminea. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
Stephen Gough