- Principal's Message
- Deputy Principal's Message
- Pastoral Care
- From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
- From the Director of Studies
- Identity
- From the Director of Identity
- Thanksgiving and Advent Assembly
- Duke of Edinburgh - Adventurous Journey
- Student Learning
- From the Director of Learning and Teaching
- Peripatetic Music Program
- Sport
- ERC Surf Titles
- NSWCCC Aquathlon
- 2024 NSW All Schools Triathlon
- 2024 NSWCCC, Diocesan and ERC Sport Information
- College Open Day 2024
- Try Year 7 For A Day & College Expo
- Community Announcements
- Careers Newsletter
- Notices
- Principal's Message
- Deputy Principal's Message
- Pastoral Care
- From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
- From the Director of Studies
- Identity
- From the Director of Identity
- Thanksgiving and Advent Assembly
- Duke of Edinburgh - Adventurous Journey
- Student Learning
- From the Director of Learning and Teaching
- Peripatetic Music Program
- Sport
- ERC Surf Titles
- NSWCCC Aquathlon
- 2024 NSW All Schools Triathlon
- 2024 NSWCCC, Diocesan and ERC Sport Information
- College Open Day 2024
- Try Year 7 For A Day & College Expo
- Community Announcements
- Careers Newsletter
- Notices
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
In this final newsletter for the school year, I thank each of you for supporting the College throughout the 2023 school year. We have so much to be grateful for as a College community.
Yesterday, the HSC results were released, and the ERC class 2023 has achieved some excellent results. At yesterday’s BBQ, we were pleased to be able to congratulate many of our students in person and openly celebrate their success with them. I am delighted to be able to share the many HSC highlights here in this link:
HSC Results 2023 – Edmund Rice College
In this way, I also acknowledge and express my sincere thanks for the remarkable efforts of the entire Edmund Rice College staff. Our College community’s success in the many and varied areas of school life results from the extra mile the staff are willing to go for their students.
Congratulations to all students on their continued efforts as they each progress on their learning journeys. Well done to those students in Years 7-10 who were formally recognised last week for their achievements at the College Thanksgiving Awards Assembly. While the complete list of award recipients is included within this newsletter, I would like to acknowledge here those students who were presented with the following major awards:
- Ryan Park, Keira Leadership Award – Zeke Thompson (Year 8)
- Stage 4 Ansto Science and Engineering Award – Daniel Morozov (Year 8)
- Kathleen McGuiness Public Speaking Award – Sam Stevin (Year 8)
- Fr Chris Riley Award for Leadership through Social Justice and CSL – Nate Jennett (Year 9)
- Fr Hugh Leonard Award Accelerated Studies of Religion 2 – Dylan Belokoski (Year 10)
- Fr Hugh Leonard Award Accelerated Catholic Studies – Joshua Newman (Year 10)
- Reuben F Scarf Award for Commitment to consistent effort and application – Lucas Ramirez (Year 10)
- Allison Byrne Community Leadership Award – Timothy Armitage (Year 10)
- Stage 5 Ansto Science and Engineering Award – Michael Da Silva (Year 10)
- ADF Long Tan Leadership Award – Henry Jones (Year 10)
I would like to warmly farewell those staff members leaving us at the end of this year. While Miss Jade Bawden and Mr Zane Jones conclude their temporary contracts, we also wish Mrs Jenny Thomson, Mr Robert Burns and Ms Sheree Codey the very best for their retirements. On your behalf, I would like to congratulate Dr Gerry Sozio on his new appointment as Teaching and Learning Coach with Sydney Catholic Schools and thank him for his significant contribution to our learning culture over recent years.
In thanking the members of the College Advisory Council for contributing to the College’s strategic direction throughout 2023, on behalf of the Chair of the Council, Mr Chris Lyon, l would like to publicly thank Ms Peta Renkin, who will be concluding her role after many years of service.
I take this opportunity to wish all families a healthy, safe and blessed Christmas. May each family experience the joy, hope, and deep love that the birth of Jesus heralds.
Best wishes,
Stephen Gough
Deputy Principal's Message
We farewelled a number of teachers this week either through promotion, retirement or a change in their learning environment. Along with change comes opportunity, we will welcome a number of new Staff at the commencement of the 2024 academic year.
College Modifications for 2024
● Year 7 will have 10 streams due to increased numbers of enrolments
● Stage 5 Sport remains on alternate Wednesdays – Y9 Week A (not Week 1) & Y10 Week B
● Stage 4 Sport is Thursdays: Y7 & Y8 (one period, pending timetables)
● Y12 Study lessons will be supervised classes within the timetable
● Afternoon detentions will be held Thursday 2:05 – 3pm and Friday 2:05 – 3:30pm
● Lunch detentions in C17 will be held twice a week (scheduled)
● Stage 6 will have Pastoral Classes in Houses e.g. 11 Rice, 11 Ignatius, 12 Waterford, 12 Crown
● All students will have personal Apple devices replacing the previous Chromebooks
Semester Two – Academic Awards and Thanksgiving Assembly
The Semester 2 Academic Awards and Thanksgiving Assembly was held on the last day of Term 4. This assembly combined our Semester 2 Academic Awards (usually held the following year) with our Thanksgiving Ceremony to conclude the term. It was extremely encouraging to see so many parents, careers and friends join us in celebration of their son’s achievements, thank you for being present on the day. I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate everyone on working in collaboration to gather all the necessary information, awards and certificates in a relatively short timeline.
Throughout the assembly we witnessed extreme generosity, selflessness and genuine care for others. Epitomising a ‘faith and spirituality in action’ approach, striving for hope, possibility and being that helping hand for others – being your best self. Students certainly committed to being in solidarity with each other, prioritising those who are marginalised, left out or who are poor in wealth or spirit in need of our support – so thank you.
The assembly gave us the opportunity to recognise the learning, pastoral and service achievements of so many students across all facets of college-life. Edmund Rice College is blessed with a number of quality young men who are expressive in their skills, talents and gifts both in and beyond the classroom environment in the areas of academic service learning, leadership and pastoral care of others, providing so many areas of individual growth and development for all students to excel.
End of year – Advent message
The year at Edmund Rice College was marked by a steadfast commitment to one of the four touchstones from the EREA Charter – Gospel Spirituality. The Charter guides us in our quest towards greater authenticity as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection.
During this Advent season I too, hope and pray that you and your family find an opportunity to pause, from the busyness of life around us to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ. The Christmas season always encourages joy and happiness.
However, the season continually reminds me that this festive season is not always a joyful reality for all within our community; especially the lonely, the marginalised, the poor and the homeless. I would like to wish all our community a holy and joyful Christmas and may 2024 be filled with love, peace and happiness. May we all receive the greatest gift this Christmas, the gift of Christ’s love for all of us. Perhaps we can set a place for Him at our Christmas table as we celebrate his birth.
I look forward to celebrating the new year and welcoming everyone back early in Term 1 next year, after a safe and enjoyable break.
Thank you and God Bless.
Mr Walsh
College Deputy Principal
Pastoral Care
From the Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded with the Pastoral Coordinators Awards for 2023
The recipient of the Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator’s Award is Jayden Washbourne.
Jayden is a student who embodies many of the qualities of Edmund Rice himself – selflessness, compassion, authentic, kind, attentive and honourable. He has established himself as a proud man of Edmund Rice College and represents this place with distinction in Mountain Biking, Swimming, the Duke of Edinburgh Program and in his Senior CSL Project, where he serves the community as a Lifeguard with Fairy Meadow Surf Club. Having already received his Principal’s medallion today for his studious nature and, as a proud serving member of our Year 10 SRC, he demonstrates that he is thoroughly deserving of this award.
The recipient of the Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator’s Award for 2023 is Nicholas Aivaliotis.
The Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinators award is presented to a student who has earned the Inclusive Community Badge for over 60-hours of service. He is the Year 9 SRC Sport prefect who has represented the College in Surfing, Athletics and AFL whilst participating in Cross Country and Swimming. He has displayed a hardworking attitude
to his academic studies and has attained Commendation Level. He leads by example and quiet encouragement, maintaining the highest standards of respect and courtesy to his peers and teachers at all times. He exemplifies values of integrity, generosity and compassion.
The recipient of the Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator’s Award for 2023 is Benjamin Ayoub.
Benjamin has been a notable and exemplary, following all of our College Touchstones. This student has applied themselves consistently across all subject areas. He has shown diligence and dedication by increasing his grade in multiple subjects since his Yearly report in Year 7. He is a quiet achiever who leads by example through his positive interaction with his teachers and peers demonstrating the importance of being kind. The recipient of this award has achieved over 30 CSL hours, participating in Primary School Visits, Sustainability Initiatives, contributing regularly to Missions and actively participating in the Walk4BrainCancer event held during October this year. He demonstrated generosity by being the first person in Year 8 to donate to the Christmas appeal. He displayed leadership through his position on the Year 8 SRC and finished the year with over 30 pastoral points on TASS,receiving the most merits, this year, within his cohort. Through his words and actions, he encompasses Gospel values, living out our Year 8 theme to “know your value” by sharing his gifts and talents with others.
The recipient of the Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator’s Award for 2023 is Orlando Hunt.
This student has transitioned into High School with an overwhelmingly positive outlook and consistent application to his studies. He has participated and involved himself across a number of extra-curricular activities displaying his natural sporting talents and demonstrating sportsmanship and leadership skills. He has a friendly and charismatic personality that is appreciated and admired by his peers and teachers and has a positive effect in everything he attends to which he should be justifiably proud of.
The following students were awarded with the a Principal’s Medal at the Thanksgiving Assembly.
Year 8: Beshr Alchami, Benjamin Ayoub, Jensen Curbison, Henry Downer, Cameron Harrison, Jasper Harrison, Bailey Jacobs, Caden Lester, Daniel McInerney, Jett Micevski, Isaac Mitrevski, Cale Parr, Sam Stevin, Zeke Thompson
Year 10: Declan Aquilina, Timothy Armitage, Xavier Ayers, John-Paul Bridger, Sebastian Corolla, Nicolas Dimitrovski, Jamie Dimovski, Harry Hall, Lucas Ramirez, Angus Riddell, Harrison Thelan, Jayden Washbourne
From time to time the holidays can be a difficult time for young people. If you know a young person who is struggling over the break, please see the infographic below for the contact numbers.
Wishing all families, a happy, holy and safe Christmas and a great break,
Mrs Hughes
Director of Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
From the Director of Studies
Term 4 has been very busy with Year 12 students completing their Higher School Certificate Examinations, followed by Years 7-10 students completing their Semester Assessment Tasks. Year 11 students have also sat their first HSC Assessments in many courses.
As I write this last curriculum report for the year, 2023 Year 12 graduates, along with their parents, carers and teachers are keenly awaiting the imminent release of their Higher School Certificate results and ATARs. I hope and pray that all students will be rewarded for their determination, dedication and diligence, and experience a sense of satisfaction from their achievements.
Year 10 students – All My Own Work Requirement
In Weeks 7 and 8 during Transition Week, the majority of Year 10 students completed the NESA All My Own Work Program. Please discuss with your son whether he has successfully completed all five modules which must be completed by all Year 10 students continuing their education at the College next year. All students have been emailed the instructions via the Year 10 Google Classroom. If your son has not completed this compulsory NESA requirement, he will need to ensure that he has completed the set Modules before school returns next year.
Semester 2 Year 7-10 Academic Assembly
Congratulations and well done to the recipients of Br Bell Academic Application Awards, First Place in Course Awards, Honours, Academic Excellence Awards and other awards presented at the recent Year 7-10 Academic Assembly.
Semester 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
As a College, we value opportunities to foster meaningful partnerships with parents and carers, as these benefit learning and teaching at the College. Thank you to the many parents and carers who were able to take the opportunity offered to meet with teachers at last Thursday’s Year 7-10 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences to discuss your son’s academic progress in Semester 2.
We would like as many parents and carers as possible to be able to engage in these valuable opportunities for acknowledgement, recognition and praise, as well as the communication of any recommended strategies for improvement in each student’s learning. Parents and carers are therefore invited to complete this evaluation of the recent Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences. We would greatly appreciate and will consider your feedback when planning future Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences.
I look forward to working with and supporting your sons with their studies in 2024, and wish all College students, staff and families a blessed, peace-filled and Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Mrs Bell
Director of Studies
From the Director of Identity
ERA for Change & Social Justice Wrap
Student Leaders, learned to embrace the values of our College and Edmund Rice himself. When we pray the Edmund Rice Prayer, we thank God for the life of Blessed Edmund Rice whose example of love, service and solidarity inspires us. This year we have worked with the Year 12, 2023 Leaders to plan and lead projects that help us to express these values, starting with Project Compassion in Term 1. Each Year group supported initiatives like Bushcare, the Children’s Hospital and Zonta’s Birthing Kits, totalling $1400.
In Term 2, we focussed on Reconciliation Week and Refugee Week, our First People and those new to Australia, escaping their own challenges. Students and staff undertook the Refugee Ration Challenge, to raise over $10,000 supporting the National Council of Churches, Act for Peace initiative.
In Term 3, the HSIE students conducted market Day and donated $3361.82 for the Homeless Hub and the same for Orange Sky Laundry. The Year 12, 2023 cohort finished with a charity AFL match and with their missions collection, have a $1000 donation to a future art project with the Coomaditchie Aboriginal Corporation. We have learned that when we spend money in local Aboriginal companies, it empowers them in their business and in determining their own futures, rather than depending on donations. The sleep outs raised awareness and money for two very worthy causes: the junior students raised $4424 for Multicultural Communities Illawarra and the Seniors raised $1752 for Sahssi (Supported Accommodation and Homelessness services, Shoalhaven & Illawarra). Our parents and carers were also busy, raising $6800 for mental health initiatives in the Illawarra.
Finally, in Term 4 we focussed on understanding our place in the world to make it a more inclusive and just world, as we launched our anti-racism policy. Our Term 4 Christmas Appeal has been inspired by the ‘It’s In The Bag’ dignity campaign. Students collected food, and 70 dignity bags for women and teenage girls. Representatives from St Vincent de Paul Homeless Hub Coniston; Gwynneville St Vincent de Paul President Michael Tobin and West Wollongong St Vincent de Paul president Louise Pinson accepted gifts and a donation of $1000 for each conference to support the purchase of gifts for teenage boys and families during this Christmas season.
We thank the students, families, staff and community members who have made all of the donations totalling $30,300 possible and helped us to be a witness to the Gospel in the spirit of compassion and kindness. The thing to remember is that each act, no matter how small, makes a huge difference, especially when you see it all together. Thank you for making a difference. Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever
Mrs Hurley
Director of Identity
Thanksgiving and Advent Assembly
“We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.”
This year we give God thanks for the opportunities to reflect on what it means to prioritise a Gospel spirituality and to make that a living reality in our community. The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus, whose life was an example of service and duty to God. I want to highlight our Liturgy and CSL programs and thank Mrs Knowles and Mr Pullella for their leadership in these critical aspects of formation. As we end the year, the staff has joined together in a reflective liturgy about the empty manger and how we each bring what we have so that together we fill the world with the image of Jesus.
At the final assembly, there were many CSL awards given out, as listed here in the newsletter and we congratulate each student who has received a CSL Certificate for at least 30 hours of service or a CSL Inclusive Community Badge for at least 60 hours of CSL. The recipient of this year’s Fr Chris Riley Award for Leadership and Service was Year 9 student Nate Jennett, particularly for his commitment to his local Surf Life Saving Club, accumulating over 140 hours of service.
Year 7 CSL Certificates (30+ Hours): George Griffin, Eamon Hinds, Orlando Hunt, Aaron Pasztor, Jye Prem, Vidath Ranasinghe, Luca Thomas
Year 7 CSL Inclusive Community Badges (60+ Hours): Malachy Hurley, Adam Pyke
Year 8 CSL Certificates (30+ Hours): Harvey Ackerley, Benjamin Ayoub, Maxsen Barila, Jonathan Bendeich, Lachlan Booth, Jack Broadhead, Austin Browne, Ayden Celebi, Crosby Crawford, Jensen Curbison, Lachlan Ferguson, Jasper Hasham, Bailey Jacobs, Caden Lester, Finn Molloy, William Papandreas, Ben Pearson, Nicholas Rebikov-Vincent, Beau Rejske, Baxter Roper, Bowen Saunders, Sam Stevin, KJ Sullivan, Samuel Ugonotti, Kai Wallace, Mitchell Wilson
Year 8 CSL Inclusive Community Badges (60+ Hours): Zane Ashcroft, Leo Halios-Lewis, Izac Lavis, Sterling McEwan, Isaac Mitrevski, Daniel Morozov, Joel Sojan, Milton Stepanovski, Zeke Thompson, Jaxon Towers
Year 9 CSL Certificates (30+ Hours): Jack Amos, Pearce Anagnostopoulos, Nathan Bitz, Ryder Boyton, Samuel Curcio, Luke Davis, Bailey Everatt, Dante Hernandez, Jacob Hughes, Harry Jackson, Noel Joseph, Brodie Kelly, Kyan Lamb, Harrison Macdonald, Oscar Millar-Jenkins, Rory Milross-Rose, Koen Minett, James Mitrovski, Archie O’Hara, Krishaanth Rajkumar, Zakk Sharman, Anthony Stigler, Lucas Tancevski
Year 9 CSL Inclusive Community Badges (60+ Hours): Nicholas Aivaliotis, Riley Edgar, Toby Evans, Ethan Faddy, Finn Faulkner, Christiano Haddad, Oliver Hasham, Jay Jayaswal, Oliver Johnson, James Massarella, Asher Percival, Hudson Shaw, Alexander Zachristos, Benjamin Zaharis
As we prepare for Christmas, our hope is that each of you will have the peace of Christ in your hearts and in your homes.
Mrs Hurley
Director of Identity
Duke of Edinburgh - Adventurous Journey
The Duke of Edinburgh journey has once again come to an end. This year we had 30 boys register for the Practice Journey to complete the requirements for the Adventurous Journey on the Year 10 Camp back in March. And more recently a refined group of 14 students took on the challenges of the Qualifying Adventurous Journey.
The specific group of boys prepared themselves at school by completing some necessary components of Navigation, Trip Planning, Emergency Procedures, Gear Selection and Menu Planning during our after-school lessons. The requirements for the Silver Award Qualifying Journey are to complete a 3-day bush walk in a remote and new area that they had not experienced before. The trip that I chose took them to the Corang area in the Budawangs National Park, found 40 kms west of Ulladulla.
Early on Saturday 2nd December the 14 boys, Mr Tognetti and Mrs Hancock met at the College, and prepared to drive to the trail head nearly 3 hours away. The boys were wise from their previous experience, had taken advice from the lessons and had packed a moderate amount into their backpacks to last them the 3 days. Where possible we tried to ensure that the boys remain in their 3 smaller groups to make their navigation experience more authentic. However, the first challenge was to investigate our first creek crossing just 10 minutes from the carpark. After reasonable rainfall through the week the Shoalhaven River was in minor flood, so it was no surprise to find the creek up and flowing fast. Fortunately, we all crossed without mishap.
The remainder of the day was spent hiking and navigating our way to the Burrumbeet Caves, along the way ticking off the significant features that we passed on the way, Tinderry Lookout, Goodsell Basin, Korra Hill, Corang Peak and Canowrie Brook. We were probably into our 5th hour of our hike and 20 minutes from our destination and protection from the elements when the threatening thunderstorm broke and smashed down some heavy rain as we made our final approach to the Caves. The boys were a bit wet but arrived happy and excited the explore the sandstone overhang and decide on where to set up their sleeping bags for the night. That night the boys became quite comfortable with organising and cooking their meals. At about 6.30pm the storm broke and receded to the north and walking into the valley the boys found their bearings and witnessed a beautiful rainbow.
For the 3 days we were out hiking, without a doubt, we all had wet socks and wet shoes. The tracks were awash with the runoff from the rain turning walking tracks into creeks. Day 2 was met with purpose, in the morning we explored to the east visiting Yurnga Lookout with panoramic views of Monolith Valley, Pigeon House Mountain and the coast beyond. With the day being partly cloudy we were able to feel the warmth of the sun and enjoy our morning excursion prior to returning to the caves for lunch. The afternoon was spent with a 1 hour walk each way to the northwest to find the Cascades that make up part of the Corang River. The effort required to get to the destination was rewarded with a refreshing swim in the river.
We took the opportunity to remain in the Burrumbeet Caves for the second night as the ground elsewhere was soaked and would have made for some uncomfortable camping. Little did we know that the rain was to set in again on the Sunday night so in hindsight it became a sensible decision to remain in the dryness of the cave. The second night found the boys kicking back a little bit as they were more comfortable with the space and were enjoying each other’s company, the Duke of Ed boys were forming new relationships and strengthening others.
Day 3 found us preparing for the return journey, our packs were marginally lighter as we had consumed most of our food, but our feet were just as wet. The major feature added to the return journey was the Corang Arch, we cautiously showed the boys where the feature was but as the ground was wet and slippery, we only took a few photos and moved on quickly. The exit was efficiently completed in a little bit under 6 hours and the boys were quite proud of their achievements.
Congratulations to these boys for completing their Silver Qualifying Adventurous Journey. Angus Allen, Nathan Anderson, Daniel Conte, Sebastian Corolla, Tristan Dale, Samuel Di Leva, William Ecroyd, Marcos Foster, Ashton Leicht, Cooper Paloff, Angus Riddell, Campbell Rogers, Jack Teteris and Riley Wilton. And once again thanks to Mr Tognetti and Mrs Hancock for their support. Looking forward to 2024 and a new group of Duke of Edinburgh boys.
Mr Volk
Adventurous Journey Coordinator
Student Learning
From the Director of Learning and Teaching
As we reflect on the past year, it fills me with immense pride to witness the collective achievements, growth and resilience of our students and teachers. During 2023, the journey of learning at Edmund Rice College has been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by innovation and collaboration, with a commitment to excellence. This was highlighted during the final College Assembly, where many students were recognised for their achievements across many areas of College life. A list of award recipients is included within this edition of the newsletter.
Congratulations to the following students who received a Narandha Reading Award for 2023:
Year 7: Hussein Abbas (7A), Samuel Shum (7D), Luca Thomas (7H), Jacob Austin (7H), Jett Cervoni (7H)
Year 8: Benjamin Ayoub (8C), Matthew Harriman (8F), William Papandreas (8E), Joel Sojan 8F
Last week, staff participated in the 2023 PDP Showcase. The 2023 PDP Showcase demonstrated a commitment to professional development and continuous improvement among the staff. Throughout the year, teachers worked collaboratively within Professional Learning Team (PLT), focusing on the following areas:
- Teacher Clarity (Assessment & Feedback)
- Enhancing Enrichment Outcomes
- Enhancing Literacy
- Enhancing Technological Literacy in the Classroom
- Focus on Writing
- Pivot
- Raising Standards Through Technology
The presentations from the facilitator of each team highlighted the collective inquiry that took place throughout the meetings and provided examples of enhanced classroom practices as a result of the collaboration. The quality of the presentations were outstanding and I thank the facilitators of each PLT for their leadership of the teams throughout the year: Mrs Roper, Ms Shumack, Mr Booyar-Rybak, Mr Edmondson, Mrs Lothian, Mr Forshaw and Mr Sirianni.
Congratulations to our HSC Class of 2023. The outstanding results achieved by the students truly reflect their unwavering dedication to learning and pursuit of excellence. I wish the students every success in their future endeavours. I also congratulate the teachers on the countless hours spent preparing the students for the exams and for their transitioning to the next phase of their lives.
As this will be my final newsletter item, I thank all parents/carers and students for the way in which I have been accepted into the College community over the last five years. It has been a privilege working here and I wish every student every success in the future, to remain hope-filled and be committed to building a better world for all. I wish all families a blessed Christmas and best wishes for the coming new year.
Dr Sozio
Director of Learning & Teaching
Peripatetic Music Program
Congratulations to our students who were members of the Peripatetic Music Program. The following students learnt guitar: Harry Peters, Zachary Pretzler and Kai Walsh. The following students learnt piano: Darius Hamod, Xavier Bridger and Francisco Martin. I thank our partners in the program, the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music (WollCON), and their tutors: Mr Hoppe, Mrs Morris and Mrs Sozio.
Well done to Francisco Martin (Yr 8) and Xavier Bridger (Yr 7) who both performed musical pieces at a WollCON concert on Sunday. It was wonderful to see their families present as both students performed in front of a full room.
Dr Sozio
Director of Learning & Teaching
ERC Surf Titles
The sun was shining and the waves were rolling as we gathered at Corrimal Beach on Monday, December 4th, for the much-anticipated Edmund Rice College Surfing Titles. The event was a smashing success, with students showcasing their passion for surfing and dedication to honing their skills in the ocean.
The day saw some contestable conditions with 2ft right and left handers that improved throughout the day. The boys left it all on the water, each surfer bringing their own unique style to the competition. There were some very commendable performances from our students, including College Captain Jack Wilson (Year 12), Jake Brown (Year 10), John-Paul Bridger (Year 10) and Jacob Pucillo (Year 10) who made it to the Senior Finals. Maximillian Boucaut (Year 8), William Hiscox (Year 9) Taj Dowling (Year 7) and Jacob Wilton (Year 8) were the finalists for the junior category.
Congratulations to our champions in each category:
Juniors: Jacob Wilton
Seniors: Jacob Pucillo
Thank you to all the competitors on the day. Looking forward to the ERC Surf Titles next year!
Mr Clarke
NSWCCC Aquathlon
Students interested in participating in the Inaugural NSWCCC Aquathlon, please see below information and flyer.
Date: Tuesday 19 December 2023 – Term 4, Week 11
Venue: Max Parker Leisure & Aquatic Centre
- 100m Swim & 1km Run Event (8 – 11yrs)
- 200m Swim & 2km Run Event (12 – 19yrs)
Event timings: First race 8.30am
To compete, please register on the CSNSW website. If you have any further questions please let me know.
Mr Timpano
Sports Coordinator
2024 NSW All Schools Triathlon
Students interested in competing in the 2024 NSW All Schools Triathlon, please see the following information HERE.
Mr Timpano
Sports Coordinator
2024 NSWCCC, Diocesan and ERC Sport Information
2024 NSWCCC Sport registrations are now open. Students wishing to trial for the various NSWCCC individual pathways, please see the information attached.
Please note that before registering for Rugby League, Open’s Football, Cross Country, Swimming, Touch Football and Athletic pathways, students will need to be selected in the Wollongong Diocesan Team first.
Key ERC sport dates, events and information are also on the attached flyer.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Mr Timpano
Sports Coordinator
College Open Day 2024
Try Year 7 For A Day & College Expo
The College Open day consisting of both Try Year 7 for a Day and the College Expo will be help on Tuesday 27th February 2024.
Year 5 & 6 boys from all primary schools are invited to join us for a real experience of high school at Edmund Rice College for a day. Students will participate in a range of activities from subjects they will actually do in Year 7 such as Technology and Applied Studies, PDHPE, Science, Visual Arts, Music and Food Technology. It’s fun and it’s free.
After Try Year 7 for a Day, families are welcome to enjoy the College Expo and find out what makes ERC unique. Check out the learning spaces, performances and demonstrations on show and take a guided tour with one of our senior students.
The College Expo gives you insight into the variety of experiences available at ERC, designed to support boy-centred learning, while providing you with the opportunity to ask questions from our dedicated staff and students.
Guided tours can be booked below and operate at 3.30pm, 3.45pm, 4.00pm, 4.15pm, 4.30pm, 4.45pm and 5.00pm.
Community Announcements
Careers Newsletter
Please access the Careers Website: which provides the latest information to help students make decisions about their future careers and life beyond school.
- Go to erccareers.com
- Then to important information
- Click on to School Careers newsletter
Mr Cajar
Careers Advisor
Change in Student/Family Circumstances/Contact Information/Medical Conditions
If any change has occurred/occurs in your family – separation, divorce, serious illness, the College should be notified as soon as possible. The College seeks to be supportive of families in such circumstances and such events always have a bearing on a child’s education. Likewise, a change of address, email or phone number (work, home or mobile) or emergency contact should be advised immediately.
If your son suffers from a medical condition it is vital that you inform the office of his condition and what treatment is required in an emergency. An emergency management plan must be developed for any students with serious conditions.
Please verify all information via the TASS Parent Lounge.