Dear Parents and Carers,
The solemnness of this current Holy Week allows us to prepare ourselves for the joyful celebration this Easter Sunday – the ultimate high point on the Christian calendar. The Easter story is about the hope that we can see the world as God intended. Pope Francis states that we can only acclaim Jesus as Lord through the loving service of others. The hope that the Easter story gives to people, especially those who are struggling, is what Easter is all about.
I wish the entire ERC community a Happy Easter, where the message of Jesus and His suffering and eventual rising is central to our thoughts and actions as we enjoy some time for reflection and the discernment of what is truly important in our busy lives.
As this is the final newsletter before the Easter break, it is worth reflecting on a busy ten-week period. In congratulating our new Year 7 students on completing their very first Term of high schooling and making such a significant transition, it is also pleasing to see the continual growth in the large majority of our students. I also wish to acknowledge the strong commitment of our staff, who, together with the vital support and encouragement from our parents and carers, make up the vibrant Edmund Rice College community. As principal, I am very grateful to all who have worked towards further enhancing ERC throughout a very rewarding Term.
I am pleased to announce Melissa Kennedy as the new Head of English, commencing Term 2. Melissa comes to us with a wealth of experience. Prior to this appointment, Melissa was the Curriculum Advisor: English for the NSW Department of Education. Melissa has previously been Head of English at Albion Park High School and The Australian International School, Singapore. Other previous roles include Melissa holding senior English teaching positions at Abbotsleigh School and The Scots College, Bellevue Hill. As the Senior Curriculum and Assessment Officer for the then NSW Board of Studies, Melissa was the Senior Project Officer for the NSW Syllabuses and is currently the Secretary of the English Curriculum Network Illawarra (CNI).
At this time, I would like to publicly thank our Assistant HoD English, Mrs Barbara Guest, for her leadership and generosity in leading the English faculty throughout Term 1.
During Week 2 of next Term, the College will formally honour Blessed Edmund Rice through a series of activities during our annual ‘Founders Week.’ A key element of this week is acknowledging members of our community who epitomise the College Touchstones. If you would like to nominate a parent/carer for their sustained service to the ERC community, please email by outlining your reasons for nominating.
In May, there is an Edmund Rice Beyond Borders (ERBB) International Congress to be held in Ireland that all Principals of schools in the Edmund Rice tradition are attending from across the world. There is currently a network of 275 Edmund Rice schools across twenty-five countries, including relationships with Associate schools across Australia and New Zealand.
In representing our College community, I am proud to be attending this event which will include a pilgrimage to Waterford, where we will walk in the footsteps of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. I will be on leave from 1st May 2023 and back at school on Monday 26th May 2023. Mr Barry Walsh, our Deputy Principal, will be Acting Principal and Mrs Jodie Hughes will be Acting Deputy Principal during my period of leave.
Best wishes,
Stephen Gough