ERC Updates

From the Director of Learning & Teaching

NAPLAN Results

Congratulations to Year 7 and Year 9 students on their recent NAPLAN results. The results were sent home with students. The NAPLAN results have provided the College with valuable data to enable the development of an action plan to meet the learning needs of our students. It was pleasing to see the continuation of strong Numeracy results and the growth and improvement of the Writing results, which has been a key focus over the past two years.


Vocal Ensemble Perform at the WollCON 50th Birthday Celebrations

Last weekend four members of our College Vocal Ensemble performed at the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music’s (WollCON) 50th Birthday celebrations. The students were Milton Stepanovski (Yr 7), Jaxon Towers (Yr 7), Bowen Saunders (Yr 7) and Gabriel Stranges (Yr 11). They performed very well and represented our College with distinction. Thank you to Mrs Kate Whitworth from WollCON for her tuition of our students involved in the Vocal Ensemble.

Year 12 HSC Examinations

We wish our Year 12 students every success in their upcoming HSC examinations. Students are reminded to remain in contact with their teachers and seek necessary feedback.

“God we ask that our students feel your closeness during the HSC exam period. Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand. Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory. Give them the ability to grasp things correctly, be exact in their explanations and an ability to express themselves clearly. Point out clearly the beginning, direct their progress and help them in the completion of each of their responses. Holy Spirit send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.”

Learning Statement

Last week, our Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, Mrs Hughes and myself attended the EREA National Learning Conference in Melbourne. The conference saw the launch of the EREA Learning Statement. The Learning Statement is informed by the wisdoms, spiritualities and Knowing’s of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and shaped by humanity’s emerging understanding of its interconnectedness with all life. The Learning Statement respects and honours the unique stories and celebrates the diversity of individuals and learning communities within EREA and sources its inspiration from four liberating educators and practitioners: Jesus of Nazareth, Edmund Rice, Paulo Freire and Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann. The Learning Statement aims to implement liberating practices to build a better worked by explicitly co-creating the learning conditions, confidence, agency and freedom.

We look forward to sharing our journey in bringing this vision to life through the implementation of our College Learning and Wellbeing Framework.

Study Samurai Library

All families have access to the Study Samurai Library. The Study Samurai Library includes the Study Skills Module website which provides advice and resources on developing essential skills for academic success. To access the Study Samurai Library website, go to and login with these details:

Username: edmundrice
Password: 13achieve

Families are able to spend time listening to Prue Salter speak about After Tests and Exams. Click here to access the resource.

Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have any questions.

Mr Sozio
Director of Learning & Teaching