ERC Updates

Christian Service-Learning

As the graduating class of 2023 prepare for their upcoming trial exams and graduation, it is an important time to take a step back and reflect on the significant impact of their service since being senior students at the College. The graduating Class of 2023 have recorded a whopping contribution of 3866 service hours thus far. In a world where the vast majority of young people are reluctant to volunteer any of their personal time, this incredible achievement is testament to the generosity, leadership and selflessness of the cohort, demonstrating their development into Edmund Rice men committed to the service of others.

With their time at the College quickly running out, I wanted to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the graduating class of 2023 for their generosity of heart. With so many people in our communities who are hurting, disadvantaged and marginalised, you have responded to the call of Christ, to care for those who need it the most, with 3866 yeses . Well done!

In Year 10, students who started their placement in Term 2 have recommenced their placements after the school holiday break. They are also preparing to complete their midpoint reflection. The midpoint reflection is an important checkpoint in the two term project, in which students are required to reflect on how their particular placement is impacting them and those that they are helping through their service. I look forward to sharing some of the reflections shortly.

We also continue to pray for students who are preparing themselves to commence their placement in Term 4. Whilst their training and compliance is all completed, there is still a special opportunity for them to prepare their hearts to be able to respond to those they have been commissioned to serve with love and generosity.

Year 7-9 students are also thanked for their ongoing engagement with the CSL Junior Project since commencing back for Term 3. They are encouraged to continue to demonstrate a commitment to serving others as guided by the year group pastoral themes of Growing in Right Relationship (Year 7), Knowing Your Value (Year 8) and Becoming a Good Man (Year 9).

For both junior and senior students looking to contribute more towards their CSL requirement for each year group, here are some exciting CSL opportunities which you might be interested in taking up.

  • The Senior Winter Sleep Out (Year 10-12) – Thursday 17th August
  • The Junior Winter Sleep Out (Year 7-9) – Thursday the 7th of September
  • Attending Prefecture Meetings (Social Justice/ERA for Change, Liturgy, EcoERC) – weekly. See your Year Coordinators or year group SRC representatives for specific information
  • Getting involved in the local sporting clubs
  • Volunteering at Church/faith community to read, altar serve, help with Children’s Liturgy or Youth Group; (going along with a parent/carer if they are volunteering)
  • Fundraising for a cause.

You might find this website a helpful source for different initiatives and charity work in the Illawarra –

Mr Pullella
CSL Coordinator